this show is the definition of stupid. i think the cinematography and the shots are ok. the dialogue in the movie is somewhat ok though i don’t think that the night sisters that “birthed the main characters” aren’t night sisters. also why cant the sith “assassin” have a lightsaber? i Think it would fit her character and i don’t know why you didn’t. but this the night sisters use midoclorians to give birth because supposedly that how anikin was born so that would make sense. The jedi in the series were Laughable, the master could barely hold her own against the sith assassin, also in the first episode why didn’t all the people in the bar just run like did you wanna get killed or something? the second episode is beyond dumb , the prison escape was so bad, droids weren’t used that mutch until the beginning of the clone war and chronologically episode 1. to be honest the show had one good think and that was the shots but the fire in space thing in episode 2 of the series was not logical