SPOILERS!!!!!!! im so disappointed in this movie. i was so excited to watch it and had such high expectations but was let down tremendously. the things i was most excited for in this movie were more of a backstory on dumbledore and grindelwalds love, finding out who credence really is and a reunion with his family, and the legendary duel between dumbledore and grindelwald where dumbledore wins the elder wand and grindelwald is captured. they barely touched on the first two and the latter was completely missing. yes this movie finally confirmed that dumbledore was gay, but everyone already knew that. i wanted to see more of his and grindelwalds relationship i wanted it to be more emotional between the two of them. I WANTED MORE GAYNESS. also finding out that credences father was aberforth was crazy, i was not expecting that, but their reunion was so lame. i feel like credence deserved a huge emotional beautiful reunion and it just wasnt there. and finally, how the hell are you gonna play up this whole thing about how dumbledore cant defeat grindelwald because of their blood binding thing and then have it finally break and then NOT show the final duel between them????? this movie was the perfect opportunity to finally show the duel and close out the series. the ending of the movie just left me so underwhelmed. there probably wont be a fantastic beasts 4 and it makes me sad that we'll never get to see the legendary duel between dumbledore and grindelwald. some other things i didnt like about this movie: it literally made no sense, i was confused the entire time especially in the beginning they did a horrible job of explaining what was going on. i dont like how they replaced johnny depp as grindelwald, how are u just gonna re cast the main villain of the entire franchise?? also the new actor looked exactly like the german minister of magic? i think? idk but theres another dude that looks just like him whos also a villain type character, i kept mixing them up. tina wasnt in the movie at all, and the one scene she was in her and newt didnt even kiss LAME. this movie just sucked.