Call of Duty: Black ops Cold War was honestly such a downgrade.
Campaign was ok. It could have been better by a long shot. They couldn’t have gave the time to voice EACH line we chose for our character to speak, instead we just get silence and an answer from the other person? Its annoying.
Multiplayer: Oh boy, here’s my take. There’s the sniper in the back of the map taking everyone out, and some guy with the aug taking me out before I can even do anything! Oh? Go inside a building! No! There’s someone camping with the sa12 or Hauer 12! All everyone uses is the same gun, nothing better because they are honestly too overpowered. Multiplayer could have honestly been better by a longshot, but it honestly downgraded.
Zombies: You see, zombies has its pro and cons. My problem with zombies in Cold War is how dog rounds are NOT that exciting it use to be. They’re just annoying. You can buy ammo for your pack a punch gun for 1000-5000 points. Where’s that excitement of running low on ammo and final hearing the voice of “fetch me their souls”? Also, how there is no perk limit. Where’s the 4 max perk limit? There’s no pressure now what 4 perks to have now as you can have all of them. Also, it’s so annoying how FAR the dogs can jump! Im across the map and they leap and attack. Dogs aren’t that exciting like I said, pure annoying.