This novel and Netflix series, is the most awful pice of trash I've ever encountered. It is literally made UNBEARABLE by the character, Andy. I spent so much time yelling at the TV and talking trash to this character that I couldn't even continue watching it. I then tried to read the novel thinking that Netflix maybe got it wrong, but no. I am an avid reader and will read almost anything, but just like the Netflix show, I could not even suffer through it, because of this one character. You should save yourself 8 hours of your life and just forget this. I have no idea why this was in the top 10. I stopped watching after episode 3 and only got a third of the way through the book. I have no idea who Bella Heathcote is, the actress who played Andy, but she must have been in covid desperation to take on this role. I have no doubt that she is a great actress, but come on, I will probably never be able to watch anything else she is ever in without remembering this one.