It’s a great movie but with the millions of dollars it takes to make a film; one would think that serious story flaws wouldn’t be overlooked and small details are bound to be criticized as this is a movie with a serious clan following with mounds of “fandom”. First time watching I found that in a scene reviewing the events of Mewtwo’s creation when talking back in forth the characters fussed and said mewtwo instead it should have been Mew. There is no “ancient Mewtwo” there is an ancient Mew who is a one of a kind Pokémon of extreme power and is even more elusive. With the use of Mew’s DNA humans were able to genetically enhance a clone in which they dubbed “Mewtwo” more or less there needed to be a better distinguishing in characters. I understood but as a super fan mewtwo didn’t create mewtwo. That and the ditto wasn’t elaborated on enough and I think that the character was placed throughout the film “spying” on our main characters in which they show ditto being able to communicate through text and I’m not positive that all of dittos shapes had the ditto eyes through the film. I loved it though. Probably need to hire better film editors though cause any half wit with a little Ash Ketch’em in them like me will work to pick this movie apart.