Having read widely on the history of psychiatry and the treatment of the mentally ill, I found Mad in America to be probably to most accurate history of the subject available, its description of the affects of anti phsyco tics on a person are no exaggeration but further research needs to be done on the affect of these drugs not just on the so called mad but also the psychiatric staff and family members and people who are regularly involved in their lives, a situation that if not addressed might lead to a pandemic scale problem n the long term. A good fictional series of short novels, Singing Her Soul Home, by Nora Bawn O Carolan deal with the personal experience of being deemed mentally Ill and legally in competent is available to download for nominal payments of at most 5 Dollars, from the Amazon E Kindle Store. it is a realistic gritty look at life after rape, sexual abuse and what becomes not a choice but an only alternative, that is substance abuse