Going to sound flippant but be aware I have played all far crys except primal. Recently I've gone a bit retro and replayed some games, like far cry 4, AC syndicate, etc. Blast from the pasts etc. I put on far cry 6, spent 6 hours playing it, got a decent way in and then thought, this is dull, Im not interested in finishing this.
Yeah, Unisoft gives you long drawn out intros on their games, fine. But graphics weren't all that, the load out and weapon progression seems a backwards step. Having to constantly stop and switch loadoits to suit particular enemies is unnecessary. What could be perceived as original in the game is poor, and what is new is pretty naff. I agree with others that it's like Ubisoft redressed some previous Ubisoft games, and just thought that'll do...... No new strong ideas. Sadly that is the overall picture of Unisoft right now.