i have just binge watched this series, from episode 1, season one, to the last cliffhanger episode. and must admit, that i am waiting for the next episode...
a couple of bits are drawn out with too much "back story" and (from my personal view) too much detail, have lessened my watching pleasure a tad.
overall i am pleased with the storyline so far, and it has been a rollercoaster ride too.
the artruro sub story is a bit of a worry, where the writers are going with that, could be a catastrophe in itself, so that will need to be dealt with carefully to avoid backlash.
the characters are better than some tv dramas i could mention, and have "presence", and that is enough to keep my interest
although, reading back through the above... i have to add a scathing portrayal of the spanish police marks-men and -women... if their aim was that bad, even with laser pointers...i would hang my head in shame. i have respect for those guys, and i know they can shoot a lot better than portrayed here...