What I want to say to the host of Get up is this,in regards to the Goat topic, the main reason why Michael Jordan is the Goat is simply this,there absolutely no time in Michael Jordan career where anyone can find in any part of his attitude Mentally, emotionally nor physically where he displayed a defeatist manner, today NBA players including LeBron James give off the impression that it doesn't matter whether or not they win, because they are a NBA player.Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, And no more than ten other players have no problem with losing. Check this out if Michael Jordan didn't win a championship he would still be playing in the NBA today, and that is the type of attitude that is missing today in most NBA players in the last twenty five years.These NBA players today are making so much money that the only thing they really worry about is being able to play so they can keep getting paid, winning is not major anymore. There is not more then twenty players in the last twenty five years that have a mind set of winning is not everything it's the only.if more players had a mind set like that, the NBA would absolutely the best sport in the world.Kobe Bryant was as close to having the Jordan mindset as there is, Stephen Curry is very very close Shaq had that kind of mind set Sir Charles Barkley had that kind of mind set Allen Iverson there are some more like that but LeBron James is not one of them
Kevin Durant is not even close, I'll give him this when he was in college I thought he had it especially after he smacked his teammate
LeBron James would of been there if he would of stayed in Cleveland and had those other two guys come to him, but he was doubtful of his own abilities so he ran to Miami to Wade and said we are the best so we should play together and then everyone will see that I'm the goaant.