IT DESERVES LESS THAN ONE STAR! I cannot overstate the terrible qualities of The Ark. It's a perfect trifecta of awful: poor, amateurish acting due partly to lazy and disjointed writing hampered by either the skimpiest budget and/or most unimaginative producers. How their spandex suits connect to their plastic helmets is embarrassing and should be rejected by the genre and it's fans. The bridge looks like a outbound call center equipped with folding tables and rolling chairs, which are incredibly dangerous in space. Why is the communications guy piloting anything? Why isn't he the pilot? Or helmsman? You know how to differentiate between the Arks? Artwork. I can't imagine the relatives of this production watch unless to give notes, like "Quit" or "Fire your agent, Love." There's no redeeming qualities to The Ark, probably a write-off for NBC/Universal & I would find it difficult to consider anyone who likes this show to be a serious person. "I wish I had another pair of hands so I could give it 4 thumbs down" (D.Chappelle).