I was interested in reading this book after reading about the controversy reported in the press and after listening to Rosemary and Vince interviewed recently so thatI could make up my own mind. I think the research was dedicated and brilliant and so timely, with regard to fascism, world events and fake news. Although most readers will be drawn to the book because of the historical interest in Anne Frank , its brilliance lies in the depiction of life during these times for the victims of the occupied countries and everyday life of all citizens using Amsterdam asan example. We learned so much of The Netherlands actual experience which was much different than the myths or rumours I came to believe. the The author did a wonderful job of expressing the goals of the endeavour early in the book and making the research readable. They stayed true to these admirable but difficult goals. I fault the publishers especially, as well as the press for tarnishing this very important book. The project and its team should be acclaimed and the book widely read at this critical time in history. Stopping production was unconscionable.