Avatar 2: A Wonderful Beginning of the Future.
Old habits are gone. The classic works of the science-fiction world were no longer the answer for the new made generation. Multidimensional cinema and new interests in producing such films. Making and inventing new video cameras. These were just some of the influences that James Cameron brought to the world of cinema.
Avatar 1 was a beginning of a revolution. Now, after about 13 years have passed since the release of the first part, the second part has been able to continue the path that has a bright future, a beautiful future that could not been created except by the hands of Cameron. Continuity to what was and what is to be.
Examining such a large work is a very difficult task, as you have to be an expert in each area in order to be able to examine all of its components as they are. This is beyond my power, but I can review the music and the overall film as an individual.
Unlike Avatar 1, which was a completely independent film, Avatar 2 does not make sense without the existence of its sequels. And this makes it even more impossible to criticize this great work. And the reason is that if we leave aside the first, third and fourth parts of this movie that have not been released yet, the biggest problem and maybe the only problem of this movie is the lack of cohesion and a solid story line. This is a bit exaggerated, but if we're fair, in comparison with the first part of this work, we can have such a strict view of it. This is a flaw that can be seen in the film with a linear glance. Avatar 2 is a strong prequel that marks an exciting beginning, and only in this way can this objection be ignored, because Avatar 2 ends its work in the best way as a beginning of something Inexplicably interesting.
Action scenes mixed with masterpiece music pieces, engaging emotions that can not be unseen in the film even for a moment.
From my point of view, perhaps the greatest work that can be done by a director is to create feelings of anger, hatred, love and sadness in the viewer. If you feel for a moment that you feel anger towards a character while watching a movie, or you feel upset about something or even like or love a character, know that you are on the side of a valuable work. And let me add here that there are few movies which can make you feel this way. And Avatar 2 is one of them.
As a person who has heard the music of movies, I have to say that I've come across one of the best, most engaging and most relevant film musics of all time. Tracks that you find yourself in a beautiful, new and familiar land without having a mental background of the movie or its space. One of the things that caught my attention was the one hand music throughout a piece. Based on my personal experience in film music productions, each piece has a bold part, maybe only 2 minutes of a ten minute track is the highpoint of it and the rest is used only as a background filler, and this is especially in the stressful and action parts of the movie. But Avatar 2 is not like this. Each piece is complete, independent and engaging. A unique combination of instruments and sounds.
A sense of being, A sense of life and A sense of water.
Avatar 2
Written by p.p.nj