My honest opinion about being a fan for more than 10 years of this show is there up until season nine I was totally interested the last couple of seasons have been disrespectful I’ve been watching The Walking Dead for more than 10 years and for the show to end up leaving all of his fans with no knowledge of where Rick is and also now Judith is left parentless in an apocalypse is totally a disrespectful message to all people watching Michonne left with this black guy to go to Island to find Rick what do we see we see that the black guy has returned on the show in the new episodes but we have no knowledge of where Michelle is now we currently know that Michonne isn’t coming back to The Walking Dead that does it mean that they couldn’t create something to give us a little closure on what happened to her Rick and now currently what will happen to Judith like I said I’ve been watching this show for 10+ years and not once did I think that this would’ve been the end result a whole bunch of filling pointless
battling and killing for no reason it’s turning into season one all over again the nature of the shows is to have a nice point or to lead up to a point sort of like to show Z nation Z nation had a nice storyline and it had a well thought together ending by the looks of how the show is going to just seems like they can go up to season 25 or season 30 with The Walking Dead it has no point now I want to give flowers to Fear the Walking Dead and also The Walking Dead world beyond the The Walking Dead world beyond is still early and it’s prime but it’s authenticity is legit to the storyline Fear the Walking Dead is just totally phenomenal do you know the storyline is action packed it’s great it leaves you wanting to watch more I totally feel like a fan of 10+ years watching a show I’ve dedicated a lot of my life to The Walking Dead for pointlessly no reason at all where they went with that shows like I said earlier it was just totally disrespectful to the viewers we’ve not only been watching but we’ve been living lifestyles with these characters for 10+ years so to see Michonne walk away from the show like that after leaving Juliet and her son to see Rick gonna have to leave in July with no explanation on where they are or where they might be because even if they didn’tWant to do the show anymore they could’ve made a little dialogue push to give us closure but instead they left two children on a show Karen lives in an apocalypse wonderful and people want to see the show was good it was good up until season eight and nine everything leading to alpha and beta was a nice watch but completely after that everything went downhill now they’re trying to run the show off of Reagan and Maggie and Darrell if that was the case to show would’ve been running off of those three characters they’re not that exciting and I’m gonna have to write the show now about a 2 1/2 stars