A truly disgusting and horrific end to the Daniel Craig era. A franchise with a rich, beautiful history brought to its knees by a director clearly hoping to direct the next Hugh Grant love story. Growing up on the Fleming classics, beautifully crafted into the great Connery masterpieces, I can only say that the brilliant author and iconic actor are turning in their graves at this sad moment in time. Fortunate are they to have passed on prior to the release of this cinematic tragedy. Were there fleeting moments of the Bond of old in this film? Yes. Did I appreciate the wonderful allusion to You Only Live Twice? I certainly did. But can I tolerate the family centered, father figure Bond who would have been well cast as the star of the next ABC sitcom? I absolutely cannot. The tragedy of the Bond character re-development aside, the abysmal conclusion to the film, tossed haphazardly onto screen, deserves hardly a mention. One can only hope for enough vodka martinis to forget this film ever existed.