Initially it was a bumpy ride but the show is gaining remarkable progress with each passing episode...Lilly definitely has what it takes to be the best...she just needs to incorporate the feedback which she doing very well...The improvements that are clearly evident are:
-Themes related to race,colour, women etc are being dialed down almost completely and being replaced with universal & relatable themes that are actually funny and entertaining
-She has become much more calm and relaxed and thereby giving ample time,space and attention to the guests and actually listening to them attentively without any interruption
-Her newfound calmness has paved way for her innate charisma to shine through making for an entertaining & enjoyable experience for viewers and guests alike
So everything is going in the right direction to make this show a phenomenal success...she just needs to be constantly improving herself & we need to give her sometime to settle into her groove ...That is all that is needed :)