I just saw Ma with my husband last night and let me just say- I'm thankful we went on a $5 ticket movie night or else I would have been highly disappointed. Octavia Spencer played a socially awkward, crazy person well but the movie was so slow. Lots of filler. Although this was a "horror" film there really wasn't anything disturbing until the very end of the movie-the last 10 minutes or so. My husband was sighing the entire time asking me when the movie would get to the point already. I feel they showed too many party scenes that really didn't need to be included. Like I said-filler. It made the movie feel really slow and somewhat boring. Won't see this movie again. The audience laughed once it was over at how ridiculous the storyline was.lots of missing information. Where was sue Anne's ex husband? Did she kill him? Why did she want her daughter to be sick? What was the point of showing sue Anne at the vet telling customers to just "sign the bottom" and she'd fill out the rest? Lots of unnecessary scenes. Won't see this movie again.