Trash, give me a game that actually registers your moves in online play fr!👎🏿 You have to fight the player and the AI during your fights, so expect some lag on moves the AI predicts. Also I feel some might like the ghost AI attribute but I personally feel like it handicapped the potential to actually have fun online. The game sets up fights strictly based off the new Ghost attribute they put in this video game. Meaning literally whatever your skill set is, is how they match you. Never mind your rank or theirs. Lags during rank fights and demotion fights lag even harder! Again some might like this but I say the nay no. Oh yeah this game studies you the real way and I might be tripping but someone else post if you notice this game giving you fights according to the motion in your actual room. No fights but as soon as you look away or get up a fight loads up. 👀👀 very upset just because I actually love Tekken as a whole. The worse Tekken by far, how could they even make up for this or think of ever making a Tekken Tag. I’m so upset I feel like updating this review for the rest of my life smdh even if a new one comes.