This fascinating read has 32 chapters, pages to read are 240, further divided into sub chapters with captivating titles and it also contains the map of Afghanistan before the Durand line and the Durand Line Agreement, dated 12 November 1893. It’s a brilliant attempt of the author to explain the misery that Pashtuns are facing continuously first by colonial powers and now by Pakistan.
It's a story of a country which has to bear the consequences of “THE GREAT GAME” and has been ravaged repeatedly, The Frontier which was carved remained a live, unresolved problems for years to follow for the people of Afghanistan. For Durand’s agreement Afghan accounts lack both continuity and proof but most shocking fact is that even Brits don’t have the details at all in their writing. Despite they've covered every major event in great detail, their victories as well as their defeat in the Afghanistan. The author has used centuries old documents, so that world can understand the plight of the people of Afghanistan. The Lucid flow makes it more an exciting read and a very interesting topic to dig further into.
Anyone interested in the country of “Rashid Khan” should definitely go for this book. Though readers have to consistently refer to the map of Pakistan and Afghanistan, I would prefer them to draw one.