This may be the worst COD made to date. From someone who, like many, has been playing since the days of the original Modern Warfare. The game is created to camp. The realism has been taken too far here, pushing people to literally play as if it was them cowering behind a wall in real life. The maps are awful, with many just being recycled maps from COD Ghosts and OG MW that have been tweaked to make it easier to camp. The graphics are unnecessarily detailed (first world problems, I know), with you not being able to tell a player from a bush. You have to be right up on someone to even recognize it’s another player. The guns are terrible as well, with the interface for editing your weapons being confusing and visually appalling. Black Ops 3 has been the only COD to date that I have not cared for, just to show that I am by no means a COD hater. This game however, has me wanting my money back. You’re better off continuing to enjoy older CODs, steer clear of this one.