It's a poorly crafted propaganda movie which had a theatrical release aligned ahead of the Karnataka elections and the hijab issue. Now it's back with a delayed OTT release well-timed just before the general elections. As a Malayali Hindu, staying in a peaceful village locality in Kerala surrounded by Christians and Muslim families alike, I find most of the things mentioned and communicated in this movie highly objectionable and mal-intended.
Of course, there has been a few religious conversions, a handful of people who got radicalized and joined ISIS etc but this number is very negligible, nothing close to what is being propagated by this movie. And the ease at which these girls (as shown in the movie) falling for the so called religious trap, is laughable and non-convincing in a poor, hastily conceived script! Even worse is how they have touched upon the gang rape etc of another victim there. Mind you, Kerala has one of the best Police Departments that files FIRs for even the smallest of cases and it's not UP or Bihar in that sense. Walk into any police station in Kerala and you will see the difference.
As for the script, direction and technical perfection of this movie, it's a very ordinary movie in all respects. The lead actress is a very poor actor indeed. The way, the Kerala life is picturized is nowhere close to reality and I wonder whether even the locations chosen are any close to the same. It's annoying to listen to accented, short Malayalam dialogues that are plugged in at every three or four sentences, just for the sake of it. The terrain used for shooting overseas seems to be a limited stretch and repeatedly shown. And it's funny to see only a couple of Mahindra and Tata pickup trucks being shown in ISIS lands as against the typical Mazdas, Nissans and Toyotas. Poor art direction, indeed. On top of this some weird and untimely BGMs not matching with the situation is another issue. And the songs are given typical Malayalam songs like tune, but with Hindi lyrics giving it a funny feel.
On the positive side, some of the senior actors shown in the movie have rendered commendable and matured performance. The camera work is very good in most parts.
Overall, a non-satisfying and mal-intended experience, purely targeted at a section of the society and the Kerala administration as a whole, by picking random examples, for political gains alone.