I’ll be honest. I may not be the best person to write a review but then I may as well be the best. Considering the fact that I never read the comics or watched any previous material my opinion is based strongly on what I have watched and if this is the best that can be done to tell such a story then I must say it is less than mediocre. I hate to be a critic and I try my best to understand and overlook a lot when watching TV but there are some things that can’t be overlooked. The sheer naivety of the titular character is just nauseating. Even at that age one learns from mistakes and only falls privy to them when they are well spaced. Her selfish silly actions are a complete eyesore. The shows bane is her ideology on teenage love and she really needs a wake up call. The feminist angle was appreciated at first but eventually became forced like whenever television try’s to propagate social reforms. This show could’ve been done a whole lot better. I hate to be a critic but sometimes you have to admit that some things are bad. But at the end of the day art is subjective so my trash could be someone else’s treasure but it will always be my trash. Thank you.