A one sided portrayal of church. I was hoping the character of Grace would be the light to all of the darkness in these scenes, yet to no avail. It tells a story about the church, but nothing about Jesus. The person who created this is very traumatised or has just developed a hate for christianity. It is a representation of a population in America who is struggling with their identities in Christianity. The topic of sin is so prominent in the drama but the bible is consciously perverted as well. The aim of this series is not to teach about religion, it's an attack against Jesus and his believers.
Side note: Homosexuality is not only a sin, it's also a spiritual attack that Jesus can remove, just like divorce, lust, any addiction or stealing etc. Sin is not normal. As an African it is so difficult to watch this, there are so many loopholes that clearly America has not discovered about Christianity, even those who seem to believe. But unfortunately as soon as a Christian tells the truth, we are immediately accused of being judgmental.