My own story is more interesting than the rum Diary. Witnessed the H bomb accident in Thule Greenland from the geophysics station. Went to pr in 68 and ended up at the arecibo observatory. Found a bunch of pulsars. Made my first child in the cane fields of arecibo. Had my Mooney crash at Cabo Engano DR. Worked unknowingly for a Nazi drug dealer for 5 years and joined AA. Fell in love with a radio TV producer and started a farm in Vega Baja from a sealand trailer. Went to work for NASA tracking satelites with lasers. Worked on video tracker for Apache. Bought gobs of houses and got run over by a garbage truck. I used to read the San Juan Star.
Now I am 76 . 50 years of AA. I feel human. I wish johnny luck.
It's now a year later after all the media
Interest in the actor's media law suit which reminded me of who screams first on the wharf. The movie predicted the relationship. This reminded me of flying in the caldera of Monserate 20 years before it erupted again. To be this much in love is like testing fate.