I have been a life-long liberal, who holds dear the First Am right to freedom of speech. While I am morally opposed to hate speech, I must defend Facebook's right to serve as a PLATFORM for EVERYONE to speak freely. Today Joe compared a WEBSITE to a PLOT OF LAND. There is a HUGE difference, in the law, regarding the duty that is owed to invitees on your LAND versus the duty that Facebook owes to its members. Facebook is the equivalent of a newspaper. People have the right to SAY whatever they want that is POLITICAL without being responsible for the ACTS of a savage who is unable to REACT like a civilized human being. As a Hispanic woman I cannot ACT based on whatever HATE SPEECH is preached on Facebook regarding anti-white hate speech. Simply put, we should all SPEAK freely, without fear of people REACTING violently. We must ALL be sufficiently civilized to SPEAK and agree to disagree without EVER causing physical or economic bigotry. Let's not confuse freedom of speech with quantitatively disparaging behaviors. I can PERSONALLY not like white people and even say so openly, without EVER acting negatively towards them. We don't have to LIKE EVERYONE. We must, however, TREAT everyone equally.
Speech is NOT synonymous with acts.