This Godzilla Movie is the best one ever, I been a Godzilla Fan since I was in Middle School and would watch my Favorite Godzilla Movies, This Movie is a Master Piece and Great Work and Great Performance, And Great Graphics, and Great Sound Affects, and Great Plot, I wasnt Expecting Any Godzilla Movie like this, Man I saw this and cried like I never cried Before. The Actresses and Actors Deserve a Academy Award for this Not just Any Academy Award Best Picture and how they use the old Classic way and everything its the best one ever. For a Godzilla Fan I cheered a lot and being this is 70 years of Godzilla its worth to watch.
Awesome Movie Toho and Awesome Acting Cast of Godzilla Minus One and who ever is the Actress who did the best Performance on Parts I cried in Put her in more movies she is the best one ever who played the hero is love interest put her in more Movies she is the best one ever.