An extremely difficult documentary to watch, but it’s important to. The message is simple, see something do something, and make sure you follow through. The abusive parent and her boyfriend are obvious villains, but a few others in the film portray themselves as so maudlin and regretful for not doing more when they should have. In my humble opinion there is to much time spent on interviewing the relatives of Gabriel who loved him so much, ahuh. The teacher who reports the abuse a few times comes across as a spaced-out Disney character who thinks of Gabriel everyday…that’s nice, but you should have taken him to the damn hospital, ya think? In the end, if you can get through it, you can really tell who the heroes are, and you’re left with this feeling of this can’t happen again. The reality is until the system of reporting and follow through is changed and they get rid of the a-holes just collecting a paycheck, this will continue to happen. Jackie Lacey and her amazing team are the true heroes; she had the guts to take on the system. Lastly, I’m left feeling hopeful that someday I will get to meet Gabriel and give him a hug.