I enjoy the show on most days. Two things. 1. Since Trump's election, whenever I send a letter and use the FOREVER flag stamps, I put it on the envelope upside down. As you know that's a signal used to show that our country or situation is in distress and things are not normal. This should be passed on to all viewers of the view. If Whoppi would make a point of that to all for future mailings, then maybe we can show a small degree of displeasure at how things are going with our government. 2. Ask the more liberal members to give Megan a chance to finish her thoughts or statements without interruptions. She has some great view points especially at how Democrats should act in order to defeat Trump. I'm especially annoyed at Joy who thinks she is the moral authority for the left/Democratic philosophy. I'm even more annoyed at how Joy tries to dominate Megan and interrupts her while she is talking. Damn it Joy show some respect. She is your equal in every way even though she holds a more conservative view. Learn to listen and you just might learn something. That's it. Thanks for your time.
Al T.