I’m biased because the 1976 original is so well crafted. The processes the cast practiced back then worked so well. The simplicity in a battered teenage girl with telekinesis...no need for heavy, unbelievable, predictable, zombies, robots and bombs.
I get it. Making it the digital aged Carrie. They added some aspects from the book, but I really wish they did more. I know it’s difficult when doing a remake to balance trying to give an homage for the original script while trying not to sound like a wannabe actress who repeats memorable lines and it falls flat.
Someone did get lazy with adding lines. There isn’t really a solid build up of suspense. Trying to have Chris struggle to get the pigs blood bucket to pour out, and showing Chloe-Carrie getting hit with it 3 times...nice try but...it keeps getting lamer. Chloe-Carrie just had her sour face looking confused and confusing. No having the gym teacher survive, Chloe-Carrie to consider Tommy innocent by checking on him, and Sue being pregnant didn’t save the film.