Avoid! If your idea of entertainment is pretentious and confusing movies that make you scratch your head every 5 minutes and defeat the laws of physics and engineering, go for it, I wish you luck. This is pure torment not entertainment. The movie is completely unwatchable and I am not sure we watched the same movie with people giving it 5 stars. Maybe we are naive and simple-minded, or maybe we are just normal folk who want to have a good night out and don't have time for pretentious pieces of 'art'. Nolan's previous movies were enjoyable, this is the worst movie we've watched in a long time We left the theatre halfway through. Boring as hell and absolutely stupid, deliberately trying to confuse the audience as if a masterpiece has to be confusing!! One star because there is no lower score. Never again, will leave Nolan's next movie for the 'enlighted', we prefer having a pleasant night out watching movies that make sense. Save your money, save your time, go to a restaurant instead.