Hated this movie. I like JJ Abrams, I love Star Wars, and I am not a harsh critic usually. From the get go every scene felt rushed and desperate to build character depth and emotional involvement. Except the scenes were so poorly written and softly acted that every moment was cheesy and cringe worthy instead of meaningful. I also felt insulted by the verbatim repeat of dialogue from other Star Wars movies and glaring plot holes. Finally to top it all off they abused the hell out of the Force. What once was a mystical and difficult to harness power that took years of training to wield is now any newbies to use. It's supposed to be a rare gift that needs years of training and practice to wield. Instead these newbies now have almost immediate mastery of it and can use it at levels that masters before them could only hope to. George Lucas I am sorry for the bastardization of your creation.