Hmm, I'll watch the second season when it's out. There are some characters that are just so well written, but then the decisions dont match what the characters would do. Fun powers and fun to watch, but there's a lot more exposition than necessary, and a lot of repetitive editing to be sure the audience doesn't miss anything. Quite a bit of men making decisions and women going along with it - in fact, pretty much every main capable woman was either fridged, incapacitated, literally had their voice taken away, or manipulated. And classic dead gay trope. Some things never change.
There were a few excellent shining characters and that's what we're watching for- the Hazels, Klauses, etc. Which will keep me coming back next season. Hopefully the writing will improve.
As an aside, it was exhausting to watch everyone treat Vanya horribly from start to finish. Waiting for the realization that treating her well will prevent everyone's problems, and nah. So that was tiring.