3.5/5 The most disappointing thing about this film is that it's an easy fix to make it great. Pacing, that's the biggest issue. Why did it take 1hr 15 minutes for Eric to become the crow? Why did shelly have such a big role? we already know why Eric wants revenge because shelly was killed. They gave FKA Twigs too much screen time, she should've been seen primarily in flashbacks after her death. They should've kept the opening similar to original where it kicks off with her and erics deaths. Eric interrogated those responsible as The Crow in this one, he did all his interrogations as resurrected Eric. Second issue the reasoning behind Eric and Shelly death. Nope. that's a hard nope. Keep the reasoning for their deaths simple, the movie should've used the comic book reasoning behind their deaths something that the 1994 film halfway adapted. Waste of Danny Houston who plays great villains. Make him an affluent crime boss almost like kingpin. These are simple corrections to the film. Bill and FKA Twigs had excellent chemistry yet show their lives together in flashbacks they spent too much time on them together. Yet with all this said I still liked the movie and put it second behind the original followed by city of angels to round out top 3.