I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this series, most EXCELLENT! All the characters are fantastic! From King Henry the Vll, who according to this version seems gentle, but weak while taking in far too much of his mother's counseling, to His mother Lady Margaret Beaufort portrayed by the marvelous and truly amazing Harriet Walter, though heartless as 'all get out,' I can't help feeling sorry for her in the end. Harriet Walter is just fabulous in everything I've seen her in so far. I love 'Harry/King Henry Vlll!' Of course later on historically, not so much... However, 'Ruairi O'Connor' IS THE MAN! He's incredible! Those eyes! I love how astute the 'character' is, he looks as if he's looking right through the other 'characters.' I also love Princess Catherine's boldness. Lady 'Maggie' Pole is a favorite; whew, happy about her end result! I love the sweetness of 'Oviedo' and 'Lina's' devoted relationship. 'Staffordshire' also played his part to a 't,' I sure hate that guy, poor Rosa! 'Queen Joanna' is a hard person, understandable considering what she'd gone through, but I certainly do admire her shrewdness. I can see why her 'dad' King Ferdinand ll wanted her 'confined.' 'Though I didn't mention the rest of the cast specifically, again, ALL fantastic! Anyway, obviously I'm addicted, hurry back 'Spanish Princess!'