I’m not the kind of person who gets really into TV series but this one is great. In terms of the show’s flaws, it’s actually somewhat predictable- a South Asian student obsessed with going to an Ivy League school who is obsessed with the school hottie but then ends up falling for the guy you think she can’t possibly hate more. But those elements are still somewhat strangely appealing too.
In terms of wins, all of the comments about the value of having a person of color represented are very valid. But it’s more than just that too- many shows tell one “truth” or view but this shows wants to try to tell all of the truths- including that of a very privileged white male. It also makes diversity feel natural- Fab’s parents are a mixed couple, Paxton is a son of a mixed couple and can speak fluent Japanese, the cool kid in high school has a sister with Down Syndrome who’s actually leading a productive life as a fashion designer, many of the kids are in mixed race relationships, and the school principal and psychologist are black women. I wish there were more impoverished people represented- Devi marvels at Ben’s house when she stays there but her home is actually quite impressive itself too. As a whole, all of kids depicted clearly have no need for want and can afford to focus on their individual teen problems in a way that a more impoverished person might not be as fortunate to. A part of you also wonders how Devi performs so well academically- you never see her doing anything but navigating social challenge after social challenge- where is she finding the time to continue to excel academically?
Perhaps one of the more subtle things this show does really well is paint a picture of what it’s really like to live in Los Angeles. I grew up in L.A. and can relate to everything- all of the valley jokes (“welcome to LA’s responsible sister”), having a highly-attended cultural event held in a high school, seeing foreign-born citizens get so deeply entrenched in the Lakers, seeing the lead Indian figure request to go to Home Depot after the event, watching friends struggle wit the degree to which they accept their culture’s traditional way of life versus the mainstream American version, Ben’s family’s exorbitant wealth and absentee parenting, the list goes on. Watching this show makes me feel like I’m at home and reminds me of the privilege I had growing up in LA and being exposed to such a wide diversity of cultures and beliefs.
Overall, the show is worth it. I’d love to see it develop in unexpected ways (i.e. seeing Devi grow closer to Becca, seeing Devi settle for a non-collegiate pathway, etc.).