Probably the best CoD in a very long time. The campaign had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I wasn't lost or bored or scoffing like when they started the futuristic fad that plagued the layer half of the 10's. The graphics are pretty good. The audio is superb. The new mechanics are great. They changed up from run and gun to using caution. Took some time getting used to but I'm with it. Multi-player being cross compatable is a major step. One I'm super proud of. Sure, there's an OP gun. That's normal for CoD. Sure there's camping, but thats also expected with the new mechanics. I believe people complaining about that haven't quite gotten used to how this game is set up.
But let's talk about the campaign a little more without spoiling anything. Modern Warfare is fitting. We are sadly in a time where terrorism is constant and the west and the east's fued is reaching a boiling point yet again. The campaign doesn't hold back on these issues. It's in your face the whole time. It takes a lot of nerve for a developer, let alone a large one, to tackle such subjects. I've been dying for a fresh modern war game and I've never been more pleased. I'm excited to see where the reboot takes us, and until then, I'll be getting blown to bits by claymores. Here's hoping they keep up the amazing work and won't let us down like they did in the Black Ops/ Zombies storyline.