I played Madden 21 and 22 side by side on Xbox/PS4 respectively and ITS THE SAME game. I highly recommend EA game pass as there are other EA titles that are better and worth your money. Football isn't one of them.
While the presentation of the NFL is down to a T, the rest of the game feels empty and same foundation from previous maddens built upon Madden 17, the last purchase of madden that i had. The game feels more scripted and animation dependent than ever. Only at most 3 players are involved with the interaction with the ball carrier. Players still go through each other after the play and disrespect physics across all game modes. The game plays Slow and boring and it doesn't play like the NFL at all.
The Yard - A rip off from their own NFL Street, they failed to make this exciting
- Limited and locked Position Selection options
-Microtransactions will try to rip you off (you want this jersey? That will be 8 dollars for both home and away sets and i only looked at jerseys)
- 3 players max and you are not exclusively controlling the position you select but instead functions as old versus games.
- Boring Computer players featuring the same number and player model
(they could have done way more with this mode.
Ultimate Team - The same since its inception. Enjoy spending money on packs and as always your team wont carry over from last year.
Face of the Franchise - Horrible graphics that are sub-par to PS2 graphics, Glitchy lip syncing issues, along with underwhelming player models and animation. The story itself is not exiting and you can't play whatever position you want.
Superstar KO - This is online versus but dry and empty
Franchise Mode - More of the same I felt from Madden 20 and before