I absolutely love this show...I mean really really love this show...up until this new season. Season 4...korvos voice change was too much of a change and yes I know why they did it but still. I don't know why but to me personally replacing his voice with a British voice is just rediculous, uncalled for, and just down right going to tank this show quick. British voices/ British comedians are just not funny to me for whatever reason...it's not hate it's just real and how I feel about as a American. I just watched 4 episodes of season 4 did not laugh one time. I am very upset, very disappointed, and left speechless because I really love this show but I know now that it will not make it for a 5th season...very sad to say it..this is my opinion and once again don't mean to hate at all we are all different and have different taste but this is not doing it for me plus I do not find British voices/comedians funny at all for some reason. Ruined the whole show for me and I will not continue to watch this show anymore it is very upsetting for me this show was better than family guy, Cleveland show, and many other shows like it besides South Park and American dad...so disappointed it hurts my soul...don't mean to offend just voicing my opinion.