a wonderful K-drama and i would definitely recommend it,
it covers topics such as domestic violence, bulling,
body shaming, beauty standards, suicide, trauma
and so much more. And unfolds an out standing message in the plot.
This K-drama touches the hearts of all those who watch it, and definitely made me cry. Ch eun-woo and im soo-hyang did an amazing job playing the main characters, and their relationship kept me rooting for them.
If there was anything i've learnt throughout this drama its that, No mater how much we try to fight for higher status's, judge peoples faces, try to fit into beauty standards we are all just as the same. Its not our looks that matter...
its us that matter.
Just like when Kang Mi-rei asked Do Kyung-Seok if he would still like her if she still had her old face, and he replied...
"you're just YOU"