This game is absolutely terrible. The multiplayer is laughable and pumping 4 to 5 shotgun blasts to kill the weakest enemies is boring. Heres a rundown of campaign: run in circles shooting til out of ammo then chainsaw. Too many enemies and the game looks like a cartoon. The utter lack of a real versus multiplayer will kill this game. Snowflake culture has killed another franchise. The music is aweful, the level design is asinine. The lack of a single form of versus makes this game unplayable. Do not buy. If you liked 2016 this game is nothing at all like it. It is a new animal entirely. There is not one redeeming quality. The graphics suck as well. Do not listen to any 5 star review. If this was not called "doom" its a 3 at best, still a 1 for multiplayer. Doom 2016 went way to hard and bethesda listened to cry babies. If you didnt like doom 2016 you didnt like doom 3, if you didnt like 3 you dont like doom in the modern age. I cannot stress how aweful this game is. This is 343 taking over the halo ip bad. This is a game for people who dont like skill based fps.