I was excited to see the film play at my local "Palace Rain Cinema" Perth City Western Australia. Firstly it was the way the film was marketed that made me want to see it. The intro into the first twelve years swept me up to want more.
The second twelve years just re- inforced this film was produced by an American and directed by an American! The American actress was not the right choice! It was too American!
I expected these two love interests to ride of into the Sunset together. Nope no you can't give anyone a happy ending. Why have a boy fall in love then have him characterised as too Korean? The film wasn't about "enyeon" it was about a green card! lead female stays with her husband who recognizes he is the green card the bridge to her career! I was so disappointed I could spit! Loved Korean Actor, played his role perfectly! Korea please rewrite the script!!! and remake this story into a happier end!