Well, here we are 1 full season, and well into the second, of Overwatch 2. I can now confidently say that Blizzard has absolutely dropped the ball yet again with one of their star franchises *cough* Diablo *cough*.
To summarize my entire time with Overwatch, I think a quote from Pat, of SuperBestFriends fame, fits well: "Overwatch is a game I have increasingly hated more as more updates are released."
And the same exact song and dance has happened to its "sequel".
Where do I even begin? For one, the core gameplay *is* fun, but its marred by awful decisions and a balance team that does not know what the hell they're doing.
- Some heroes don't feel good at all. Mei and Mc-Im sorry, *Cassidy* feel like they were never looked at and changed properly after removing their core kit (ie. Their stuns.)
-Some heroes straight up broke the game. Bastion was removed from play for a fair bit because you could ultimate infinitely by pressing Shoot *and* the ult button at the same time. Because playtesting is a foreign concept I guess.
-Some heroes are objectively just better. Top 500 DPS is playing a game of "OOPS, All Soujourn!" at the moment, and the balance team still refuses to Nerf her despite this glaring example of "*insert character here* is objectively necessary to do well at higher level play". R6 has better attention to balance than this, and that game is a trainwreck right now.
Monetization is so amazingly aggressive in this game, that a majority of players *want* lootboxes back. It takes a shockingly bad market model to want people to go back to something seen as incredibly scummy in most games nowadays. I'm impressed that Blizzard somehow managed to make 343's model for Halo look better by comparison.
I could really go on but I don't want to make this any longer than I should, so Ill leave you with this little tidbit:
Overwatch managed to become a billion dollar franchise off of one game and yet somehow, some way, Blizzard managed to completely destroy the franchises charm and reputation in the span of 2 "releases" and I say that with quotes because this is a glorified patch masquerading as a sequel.