Best show on Netflix after 'on my block'.
The Description doesn't describe the show completely. It's more than what you read in the description.
I love the story a lot, it covers every topic about sex but it's not just about the physical stuff that we already know, it is about the emotions behind that. It also shows the bright side.
The story:
the story is dynamic and doesn't just revolve around the clinic only (I thought it will..) but it is a good thing.
it means the true genre. I had a lot of questions before watching that you might have. like "is it just like a stupid sitcom?" or "is it pure drama and dark show that will make me depressed?"
No man it has a perfect balance between seriousness and humor. it will probably give you a smile at the end of every episode. the nudity is also controlled and is just used to create the mood. not to attract viewers. (like the way 'game of thrones' does). there is no unnecessary nudity. but when necessary, they have some topless shots.
the production is high quality, nice choreography. the colors are good too. feels like a big-budget movie.
the duration of episodes and content is perfectly planned.
Must watch......................