As someone who has struggled with infertility for almost 11 years. 2 pregnancies only leading to miscarriages. 7 IUI attempts. The monthly constant testing and failures. The DEVASTATION. "It's not him I don't want, it's the DEVASTATION"
This sentence blew my mind, broke my heart and left me feeling broken, alive and shattered all at the same time. So many relatable emotions and behaviors in this book. It's like she literally stole the words right out of my mouth. Words that I couldn't quite place to speak outloud. This book has left me rattled, raw and open but very much feel understood and NOT alone. And I just want an ending like this. I have been shining the light on all my flaws, our flaws. And all I want is him again I want all the perfects! 😭💔❤️🩹