It was really good! especially if your a (Super Mario) Fan! but if your new to the series, or just play it every once and awhile it'll still be fun! but i can see you getting lost. like the games theirs less character development then their should be, and less story, most scene's that would normally take 5 minutes of story, are scraped for a 1 minute dialogue session to quickly get to the next scene, (but) this movie had AMAZING! animation and art style its a feast for the eyes if you like the movie of course, the voice acting is really great actually! even for mario, unlike what everyone was saying, Chris Prat actually did a really good job, over all if i could i would say "its a great movie with mediocre character development, and story, but everyone else was honestly, AMAZING!" i would've given it 4.5 stars but i couldn't and i felt more comfortable with 4 then 5, over all if your a mario fan, it a MUST! see. otherwise still see it but if your low on cash maybe wait till digital or streaming,