It’s a mediocre game and not very user-friendly. The game will give you tasks, but not tell you, or hint to how to complete them. Unless you want to literally spend 20 minutes running around the map trying to find out how to do something, you’ll most likely find yourself looking up on the internet where to find the things you need. For example, one mission requires you to scavenge for materials to craft a GTK hack device, but doesn’t tell you where to find them. Without the help of the internet and walkthroughs, I probably would’ve been searching for the longest to find what I needed.
For a game released in 2016, it’s pretty shameful that the character you play as has no face or voice lines (a sign that a game will be very ‘meh’). For that, and the constant soundtrack playing in the background, the game just seems dull.
The open world sucks, considering almost everywhere you go, there will be a KPA soldier ready to destroy you, unprovoked. You basically have to run around buildings and do whatever possible to avoid the soldiers who are ALWAYS hostile, and even then you still might get caught and mowed to shreds in a matter of seconds. There are cameras, seekers and apc’s on nearly every corner so it’s nearly impossible to be free for once. The KPA soldiers even found their way into a resistance outlook after I respawned in one not even 30 seconds later. One little mishap and there is an entire, relentless squadron stopping at nothing to kill you.