This movie had a lot of potential. It couldn't decide if it wanted to be a comedy, a scary movie, or a heart warming family film.
The storyline was just padded to extend the run time, and there was a lot of weird advertising inserted.
The characters were pretty predictable and some were absolutely insufferable (I'm looking at YOU, Joy)
There were a lot of plot holes and a twist ending that was a little odd.
The movie could have been cut into a mini series or TV show OR could have had many unnecessary scenes taken out to be a more palatable movie.
I paused to go to the bathroom- thinking the movie was going to be over soon only to see that there was 50 minutes left! It definitely slogged on.
There were some fun celebrity cameos but they felt cheap. I'd recommend watching this movie while doing something else like scrolling through Facebook. It's a decent one and I didn't HATE it, but it just left me exhausted. Netflix has a bad habit of padding their movies to an excess degree and it's really dumb.