I'm enjoying the show, so far. Unlike many others commenting here, I haven't seen The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. And contrary to what some have suggested, I don't feel I'm having any real difficulty following the story.
On the contrary, it seems to me that I'm able to enjoy this series more -because- I'm not wrapped up in the previous shows. Most of the people who dislike the show seem to be pretty hung up on the first two shows and are basically unhappy that this isn't just more of the same.
The introduction of mythical creatures (dragon, gargoyle, dryad, etc.) is something beyond what the original shows had, and it seems folks find that upsetting. The show -does- actually explain this though, and you come to understand more about why such creatures were never thought to be real until the events in Legacies changed some things.
At any rate, viewing it on it's own merits and not weighing it against the previous shows, I'm having a good time so far. I hope to see more and that it develops the characters and story more fully.