I usually don't care much for war movies or true storey, cause I find them to hard to fathom and they stay with me for a long time I cant stand this world we live in sometimes as wonderful as the planet and all she offers us is! its the human race that leaves me thinking how can we call are ourselves the intelligent species.But he sure was brilliant and unreal like ! I loved it and i have to say I did something I have never done before in all my years right after i watched it . I was so awake and so entertained and tuned in to it that I watched it again right away back to back now that's a first and i think it was even better the second time ! the lives he saved and what he gave the world there really should be a holiday or something to that affect in honor of him to pay Amish to his beautiful mind and all his achievements! A DECORATED WAR HERO HE IS with out a doubt!!. I Only wished I
would have watched it a lot !! ALOT! sooner....