This was a cinematic masterpiece, starting from the cast, storyline, ultra realistic visuals and to the epic music. Everything blended beautifully.
This has showcased one of humanities most extraordinary scientists in a very simple and an ordinary way.
Story shown through multi timelines which created confusion and built the curiosity was perfectly answered at the final hour of the movie. Nolan has proven himself to be one of the best of the best, making sure to focus on the little details that impacts the story in a bigger way, all the guilt ridden grins and shameful faces were perfectly captured to give this biopic the complexity it deserves.
Even though the bomb created all the hype and word around the movie, the main actor was not the bomb but the man himself, his life and his work.
Now I understand why RDJ claimed his role in this movie to be his best performance yet. Hats off to Cillian, RDJ and Matt Damon for their performance.
This is not everyone’s cup of tea, and is highly political. So be ready for a lot of talking.
I would rate this movie a 9.5/10