Not sure why this got so many good reviews. The plot made little sense, the dialog was garbage, and there were many unanswered questions at the end. Not to mention the "twist" was recognizable immediately. There was a slight surprise later on, but it didn't add much or explain how they got there or why or who put them there and how that person knew about them.... it was mentioned in the behind the scenes that they had a low budget. They should've spent much more of it on a content editor. Overall, it was a rather slow, cheesy movie that was really difficult to watch, but perhaps I am more critical than most since I'm an author and have had my own books shredded by my editor. Really, it probably could have been a decent movie if they had a better editor, and the acting was sub par as well.
Not to mention that, while they may have fixed Samantha and Judy's life, they erased Tom from existence. Like, Judy never met that weirdo dude, therefore she never had his child.... so Tom was never born.